Ch. Caraideas Game Reflection (Bee) - top winning papillon bitch 2010. Bred and owned by Peter and Jacqueline Hill. They would like to thank the judges who thought so highly of her and all the friends who supported them.
Club Members wishing to register a puppy or adult for sale can either e-mail or phone Joan Savage with the details or likewise if you are looking to buy a Papillon. Tel No. 01294 556080 or e-mail Puppy Register
Dog owners/breeders/purchasers that buy/or sell dogs or arrange meetings/make contacts through the Puppy register, do so at their own risk. The Papillon Club Of Scotland/or it's representatives accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information supplied by the seller/buyer. The buyer is responsible for verifying the authenticity/reputability/history of the seller and their dogs. The seller is responsible for likewise of the buyer and home checks etc.
Rescue is run by Elizabeth Cochrane who can be contacted on Tel No 01620 860682 or e-mail Papillon Rescue